Features of interaction with police

On the instructions of patent attorneys, the detective conducted a private investigation of illegal use of an unidentified person of foreign technology in the manufacture of building panels and their subsequent wholesale realization. Detective able to detect the production and storage of counterfeit goods, to identify the person infringing the intellectual property of the client, and also to make a test purchase of the subject of the investigation - of the wall panel. 

The same day, a report by a private detective investigation was handed over to a patent attorney - client private investigator. The lawyer, on the advice of a detective, and being very interested in the further prosecution of the alleged infringer appealed to the authority of the Interior for help. Law enforcers rather quickly expressed interest in cooperation.

Police officers and the detective went to the crime scene, successfully conducted covert surveillance and now has twice made sure of the presence of signs of a crime to the negotiating table with representatives of the victim. Almost immediately there was a question about the future form of interaction during search operations.

In accordance with the law to promote citizens' bodies carrying out operative - search activity can be transparent, anonymous and unofficial. Representatives of the police department insisted tacit oral agreement between the patent attorney and the "general" ATS. Under this scheme, patent attorneys had to transfer cash police chief, who spoke to a guarantee of financial security for future verification of purchase. 

From our side received another proposal - namely, to organize transparent interaction through a contract in which one party acts as a private investigator acting on the basis of the license police, on the other hand - the body authorized to conduct search operations through its representative It is acting on the basis of Article 17 of the Law "On the OSA." 

This is easy to explain the persistence of lawyers, if we take into account that the operational-search activities at the urging of law enforcement provides for mandatory security measures in the amount of RUB 500.000-00. - The amount of which, incidentally, is much greater than the size of large-scale damage. Since the arguments of the representatives of ATS were more convincing, the patent attorney had to accept their terms and conditions with the proviso that the money will be transferred to the subscription of cooperation.